Web programming

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Create HTML Form to insert data into MySql database using PHP PDF E-mail
Tuesday, 07 July 2009 17:07
This article explains data insertion in MySql using HTML Form. You must have seen contact/feedback Forms in many websites. These Forms are designed using standard HTML Form elements. On the back end, SQL queries are used to perform DML operation using information provided by user. Any server side scripting language can be used to insert data in database. Following steps explain this process using PHP and MySql.
1-     First of all create a table in MySql database using following command. This command can be executed in any MySql query browser like phpMyAdmin.

CREATE TABLE contact (
msg_id int(11) not null auto_increment,
name varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
email varchar(255),
msg varchar(2000) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (msg_id))

Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 July 2009 18:03
CSS Layout PDF E-mail
Friday, 13 March 2009 18:08
First step to design a website is to sketch its layout. It is good practice to finalize the layout for website before further working. You can make few alterations at later stages but the basic structure should remain same. So it is very important that you must decide the basic structure before going into detail designs. You can use one of two popular techniques
1- Table Based Layout
Table Based layout is being used for a very long time. It uses HTML table to incorporate content.
2- CSS based layout
CSS layout has gained great popularity these days. CSS provides really powerful mechanism to control layout of page. If you have decided to use CSS layout for your website, you must determine few things like how many columns will be there. Will the layout be Fixed layout or Liquid layout or Elastic? And also think will this layout be Float Layout or Positioning Layout?
Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 July 2009 17:57
CSS Menu using Unordered List PDF E-mail
Thursday, 18 September 2008 04:15
In web programming beauty in design has become an essential requirement. Technically you may have built a great site but it if does not look good, you do not get deserved appreciation and reward. so in addition to learning great web programming tricks you should also spend some time to create beautiful designs. You must have seen fancy looking menus in websites. These menu can be designed and programmed in JavaScript, DHTML and HTML.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 June 2009 08:01
Configure PHP on IIS PDF E-mail
Thursday, 26 February 2009 08:09
Configuration of PHP on IIS includes following steps. This guide provides configuration about IIS 5.1 shipped with Window XP sp2.
1- Download latest version of PHP from http://www.php.net/downloads.php. Note you should download installer version not the zip version. Installer version automatically performs all necessary configurations. If we use zip version, Environmental variables must be modified manually
2- Run the setup and choose installation directory for example C:\PHP
3- On next screen choose your version of web server, here choose IIS ISAPI and click next.
Last Updated on Sunday, 07 June 2009 16:47
Web Based Applications PDF E-mail
An application which is accessed via web browser over a network is called web application or web based application. All the websites are examples of web applications.
Web applications are quickly replacing traditional client server softwares. Client-Server computing requires separate software to be installed on the client machine.